This article is based on our podcast episode, Make Magic: Giving Yourself Permission to Heal. Listen to the full episode here.
Takeaway: Many of us struggle to manifest our desires not because we lack the right technique, but because we haven't given ourselves full permission to receive what we want. This guide explores:
What "permission energy" really means
Why manifestation often gets stuck
How to locate and heal blocks in your body
Practical ways to expand your capacity to receive
Understanding Permission Energy
"Permission energy" is the freedom and spacious YES we offer ourselves without limitations or judgment. It's the pure energy of possibility that children naturally radiate before they learn what isn't possible.
Think about young children - they haven't yet learned to doubt themselves or question what they deserve. This innocent openness allows them to:
- Try new things without fear of failure
- Express themselves freely
- Learn through play and exploration
- Stay present in each moment
As adults, we often lose this natural state of permission, creating invisible barriers between ourselves and what we desire.
The Manifestation Paradox
While manifestation has become mainstream in spiritual communities, there's a crucial element that's often overlooked. The common formula seems simple:
1. Set clear intentions
2. Embrace the right mindset
3. Attract what you desire
Here's the tricky part: This perspective assumes we feel deserving of what we want 100% of the time and could actually receive it if it appeared. But how many of us:
Can fully accept a simple compliment without deflecting?
Truly believe we deserve abundance?
Feel completely worthy of our deepest desires?
The Hidden Split
When you try to manifest something without giving yourself permission to receive it, you create an energetic split. Your mind might want something, but have you checked in with your emotions and body? This misalignment often leads to:
Manifesting lessons instead of desires
Attracting situations that highlight our wounds
Creating patterns that force us to face our fears

The Body's Wisdom: Finding Your Blocks
The places within us that need permission and healing live in the body. They might feel like:
A heavy heart
An ache in the stomach
A smoldering in the throat
Fiery, fluttery, or cold sensations
These sensations are your body's way of showing where you don't fully believe in your worthiness. The key is to slow down enough to feel them.
The Secret Formula for Healing
When you locate these blocked areas, they need three things:
1. Breath (space)
2. Permission to exist (without judgment)
3. Love
The Poetry of Permission
Jalaluddin Rumi, the Sufi poet, wrote a piece called The Guest House. It’s a beautiful reminder of how to bring permission energy and love to all of our pieces.
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
It is a powerful act of care and courage to give ourselves full permission to deeply feel the places within us that are rising to the surface for healing. This timeless wisdom reminds us that even our challenges deserve welcome and care - they might be clearing space for something new.
The Revolutionary Process
When you combine:
- The power of permission
- The freedom to play
- Openness to making mistakes
You create a natural pathway to healing and manifestation. This approach allows you to:
- Release rigid control
- Embrace creative possibilities
- Trust your journey
- Welcome unexpected gifts
Your Invitation to Permission
When you combine the power of permission, the freedom to play, and are open to making mistakes along the way, you will find yourself on the fast track to healing. It is a revolutionary process: giving yourself permission creates more permission to heal in bigger ways with more ease. Doing so will bring more openness, creativity, and relaxation while manifesting what you want without rigidity and strain.
If you find yourself struggling to work harder, think about kindergartners and their energy. They have fully given themselves permission to explore, play, and simply be present in each moment. It’s this innocence that can open us up to a new world of possibilities we never dreamed we could reach for.
I encourage you to ask yourself, “What do I wish I gave myself more permission for in my life?”
Want to learn how you can tap into play and your creative self to answer difficult or tricky questions? Read our Why Adults Need Play article. If you connect with this article, but struggle to let go of doubt and judgment, check out Forgiveness as a Path to Freedom to learn more about healing yourself.